Friday, February 11, 2011

Woo Friday!

I never finish as much as I think I can finish on Friday. It's like after I get off work, the entire week catches up with me and I crash.

However, I was able to accomplish things earlier this week.

Things accomplished -

Worked on annabeth book 2 on my beloved ipaq (pda). Still not hardcore working on it due to finishing other projects but progress was made! I'm thinking - rough draft possibly completed by the end of May or maybe a little sooner.

Also, finished my second to last edit on the novella. My secondary reader gets it next week and then I'll do one last read and be ready to fly. I plan to do the hands-off edit by reading it on the kindle and making notes in a notebook. That should keep me from the temptation to monkey around with it too much.

Some book trailer work, which should continue tonight. I'm sad to say there will be no animation because I don't have that kind of time. However, there will be illustrations and music and words. Yay!

I would love love love to have this finished and ready to present on Monday. That's pretty darned ambitious though. We'll see.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get my drink on and do some work...which may or may not be a bad combination.

Hey, want some free reading? Check out the fiction freebie page on this very blog!
There you shall find a download of three short stories (free ebook) and links to my novel excerpts on Scribd.

Other places to find me:

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