Monday, February 28, 2011

movie: Salt

This weekend movie selection was Salt, starring Angelina Jolie and the lovely Liev Schreiber.

Jolie's character, Evelyn Salt works for the CIA. As she and her partner, Ted (Liev), are walking out the door at the end of a shift, an old Russian man shows up at the office, claiming to know about a Russian spy working at the CIA. Of course he points the finger at Evelyn Salt.

She takes her leave before her CIA buddies can lock her up. They hunt her throughout the movie.

The movie is almost all action from start to finish. Jolie does her ass kicking thing as well as she always does. Some of the action sequences were rather unrealistic. They probably would have been easier to swallow had the movie not taken itself so darned seriously.

There was one part that was kind of weird. Salt disguises herself as a man. The disguise is decent but really, how masculine could one possible make Angelina Jolie look?

The movie wasn't exactly life-altering, but it was alright. It gets a B.

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