Tuesday, November 13, 2012

popping in for a Nanowrimo update


We watched Snow White and the Huntsman this weekend, and it was really awesome. I don’t have time to write a whole thing, but I recommend it. I hope they make that sequel I’ve been reading rumors about.

I’m still deeply immersed in Nanowrimo. I’m really digging it so far. My word count is over 15,000.
The Nano website has a thing that I want to try to reproduce in some kind of way.

You’re supposed to update the word count on the website to track your progress. When you update it, the site generates a report of average number of words per day, the date the goal will be met if you keep up at that pace, number of words remaining, etc. It’s kind of like a spreadsheet and I do so love spreadsheets.

I think I can make something like it in Excel. There would be math involved but I might be able to handle it. Perhaps after I have completed the Nano task. 

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