Wednesday, May 2, 2012

book working updates

Happy Hump Day, interwebs! What's going on? Not a whole lot here. Except this is my 500th post! woo! confetti. music. ok, that's enough.
I’m still hard at work with the rough draft for Pestilence (working title). I am pleased to report that I hit the 50,000 word mark, which means the rest is all downhill. It's the equivalent of Wednesday in rough draft writing.

I've decided on a writing schedule for the rest of the year. I should finish Pestilence by the end of this month. Then I have the last edit or two for Devil (AnnaBeth 2). After that, I'm going to try to crank out a sequel to What the Dead Fear.

I have plans for both books I'm writing this year. One will go to the Amazon Breakthrough novel contest that they have every January, assuming they have it next year. If they don't, I'll send it off to another one, probably.

The other novel will go out in query version to some smaller, independent presses. I've started a list of the publishers I like. I'm looking for very specific traits.

Which will go where? I haven't decided for sure yet, but I'm thinking the novella sequel will go to publishers. The original was downloaded tens of thousands of times, so that has some appeal. Plus last time I checked Amazon the first book was still a freebie. Now that I've said that, they'll probably remove the freebie status before the other one comes out. lol, that's my luck. 

Oh, also, Destined for Darkness has temporarily disappeared from the Barnes and Noble Nook store. I'm in the process of switching that distribution from Smashwords to go directly through Barnes and Noble. The book is still on Smashwords too, of course.

I switched because there's a delay between when the book is available through Smashwords and when it goes up on Barnes and Noble. I have to learn a new system, but I will have more control over release dates that way. 

So it is said, so it shall be done.

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